Top Stories for September 5, 2011

The Costs Of Crowdfunding

Filmmakers speak of crowdfunding as if it is free money. It isn't. In some instances it isn't even close to being so. In Indie Film, where filmmakers are routinely asked to take blood from a stone, you'd think the costs would leap from everyone's tongue. So what platform, puts... Read More

Tools Review: Stonehenge Mobile Apps For Films


Holiday Box Office: “Crime” and “Gainsbourg” End Summer With French Wave in Specialty Market

The summer box office season came to a close with some lackluster numbers on the studio end and a few French brightspots on the specialty …

Venice Review: Steve McQueen's "Shame" is Full Frontal

There’s been plenty of talk on this site recently about edgy, transgressive new films. Well, you can certainly add British director Steve McQueen’s Shame to the list.

Leonard Maltin: The Debt

Sometimes a film seems to have everything going for it and still comes up short; such is the case with The Debt. Its credentials are impeccable: a fine cast headed by Helen Mirren, Tom Wilkinson, and Jessica Chastain, just for starters, directed by John Madden, and written by three talented Brits, Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, and Peter Straughan.


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